Okay, I will post about my crappy job. I try as much as possible to work a maximum of 33 hours a week, a maximum of two full days in a row, and a maximum of 4 doors a week at my stupid job. Otherwise, I'd go nuts.
Now, as far as the job goes, it's a pretty crappy market research call centre. I call people to do surveys and 98% of the time they say no, in various levels of aggression. But even if they say no, I am still obligated to try and get them to change their mind, which also varies in increasing levels of aggression. I'd say of everywhere I call, I prefer the American South. 'Cause, gosh darn it, "those people" are so darn nice when they say no, and mostly wish me a good day to boot.
So yesterday I was switched projects from one that was calling in America and talking to a generally nice sub-section of people, to one that was calling in Canada, and primarily in Ontario. Now those people? Were generally rude.
One of my first calls I made was to a Library, so, that was rad. I really dig librarians for surveys. For one thing, they know the value of research and are usually, if they have the time, okay about contributing. So when I call, I always want to tell them I'm a fellow librarian, but never do. Maybe next time I should... Anyway, the project basically sucked and people were really angry with me a lot. And this one woman made me cry because she treated me like I was a total dummy and I realized....
That a year makes a lot of difference. Because a year ago I was sitting in a cushy, higher paying and slightly more prestigious job that I didn't really like either. But comparatively that was a dream and I'd be blissful if I could find that again.
So what's my point? I don't know, maybe next time someone calls to conduct a survey just remember that it's possible (but unlikely) that the person you are speaking with has two Masters and not a lot of options so just suck it up and give them your ten minutes rather than being rude and berating them.
And to the woman that made me cry? You are probably fat, miserable, dumb, and unloved, and I am none of those things.
Da Doo Meow Meow
3 weeks ago
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