Quad Chaos was awesome. The four biggest leagues in Canada went head to head for honour and respect, and the biggest winners were MTLRD's New Skids on the Block. 3 Bouts in 2 days and they kicked ass in all of them by far. 208-26 blow out first in a private WFTDA bout off the schedule for the tournament against Hammer City who were not expecting nor capable of shutting down the tight defensive work of the pack nor the aggressive, point scoring jamming. Penalties on the part of Hammer City's Eh! Team gave the Skids plenty of power jamming opportunities, and the Skids were able to capitalize them in jams that gave out 13, 14, and even 24 point power jams. Heck, Hammer City's jammers couldn't get a point on the board for the first 15 minutes of the game and until very late in the period looked like they would only manage 3 points against Skids before gaining a little more to end the first half and chipping away a minor gain in the second half.
Next on the chopping block were the Terminal City All-Stars who were a little of an unknown factor in this tournament, primarily because of the geographical derby distance. The Skids had gone up against them a couple of years ago in Vancouver, but so much changes in that time. For their part, Terminal City proved to be scrappy fighters in their first game against Toronto Roller Derby's CN Power, and came the closest in scoring against the Skids, grabbing 55 points and only allowing the Skids to take 160 for the game, which was to be their lowest score in the tournament.
Evidently, ToRD was watching, but not close enough as the Skids made short work against them, allowing 45 points to their pink neon sisters but taking 229. Penalties again plagued ToRD and there were a couple of downed skaters in pink through the game but no major injuries.
An amazing show by everyone attending but the Skids really left their mark as the uncontested queens of the Canadian derby scene, with the only blow-out games for the tournament. Skids t-shirts flew off the merch table, and the buzz was high as the Skids took this opportunity to show the leagues closest to them in experience what they've been working on and what Canadian derby could be.
Way to go, Skids. Well played.
Da Doo Meow Meow
3 weeks ago
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