Monday, February 8, 2010

New Skates

New skates are slightly delayed (again) by a missing part.  It's such a bummer, because it's such a small but essential part- the pivot cup.  Not that I know too much about the anatomy of a skate, but I think skating without the pivot cups in would be like trying to run a bike without bearings in the headset- you could do it for a while before you totally mess up the headset and have gross mechanical failure.  Or maybe it would be as inane as running this:

I ordered the skates in late December and through the process discovered that my current skates are a full size too big.  I mean, I knew that they were a little big but once I figured out that they are a full size (!!!) too big, all I can feel is my arches cramping and my heel sliding around in them.  But although my new skates are sitting across the country in their (currently) unskateable glory, I have one single, beautiful picture of them that I look at every time I doubt my decision to go custom:


I can't wait to get them.  Rollergirl has been part of the process since I first started asking about new boots and has been able to give me awesome and cost-conscious guidance and excellent customer service.  It's really sad (as well as no one's fault *caveatrollergirlisawesome*) that something as simple as these:

Can keep me away from the awesome.   C'est la vie, or something like it.  Now I just need to get over this cold so I can bout this Saturday in the first Sexpos game of 2010!

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