Sunday, February 28, 2010

February Blah

So most of February I've been sick.  First a cold, then a SKIN INFECTION, which was so gross I am still disturbed by it, and then I came down with another cold (or maybe a sinus infection, I'm not sure).  So, I haven't been posting.  But some exciting news:

My new skates arrived, and they really are beautiful.  If I had a camera I'd show them off a little.  But I don't, so...  there you go.

I wore them to my first full practice with them and have a couple of blisters, but I can tell when these things break in they are going to be sweet.  Is it bad I already wish I had gotten the narrow heel?

Upcoming blog posts may include my crappy job, sock monkies, and unicorns.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

New Skates, Part Deux

After much waiting... more waiting.

But this time for something a little more exciting: they are being shipped out today!  And I've seen a picture of them as they will be (more or less) and they look like the are made with awesome sauce!

To recap, we were waiting on pivot cups to arrive...  And they didn't come in the expected shipment, and then the next shipment was delayed... And they weren't in that either.  Life, you make me crazy!

But my awesome awesome skate supplier came up with a solution.  The nitty gritty details are these: the pivot cups are for converting the plates from 45*SA trucks to 45*DA trucks, which will be far more awesome.  So hence the wait.  But now, due to mondo delay, the skates will ship as 45*SA with the DA trucks on the side, so I will get them sooner and skate my little heart out, and the pivot cups will ship when they arrive so I can swap out the trucks and get the awesome DA action.  Woot!

And my gross skin infection is going away so I will be looking more normal sometime soon.

As if that wasn't enough, today was really good weather to commute on my bike to work, and I wasn't really late.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Skin Infections

Skin infections are gross and I never want to go through that again.  Especially not on my face again.  I've been wearing band-aids to work for a week and it's still healing.  No pictures for this, I just couldn't do it.

On the other hand, I played my first bout of 2010 and it went well.  We lost but it was a solid showing for us, at least in the first half, and we'll really be able to take a lot from it for the future.  New skates are still not here.  But my old skates are dying little by little, and I'm getting annoyed at how big they feel on my skates.  It's going to be EPIC when they arrive.

Monday, February 8, 2010

New Skates

New skates are slightly delayed (again) by a missing part.  It's such a bummer, because it's such a small but essential part- the pivot cup.  Not that I know too much about the anatomy of a skate, but I think skating without the pivot cups in would be like trying to run a bike without bearings in the headset- you could do it for a while before you totally mess up the headset and have gross mechanical failure.  Or maybe it would be as inane as running this:

I ordered the skates in late December and through the process discovered that my current skates are a full size too big.  I mean, I knew that they were a little big but once I figured out that they are a full size (!!!) too big, all I can feel is my arches cramping and my heel sliding around in them.  But although my new skates are sitting across the country in their (currently) unskateable glory, I have one single, beautiful picture of them that I look at every time I doubt my decision to go custom:


I can't wait to get them.  Rollergirl has been part of the process since I first started asking about new boots and has been able to give me awesome and cost-conscious guidance and excellent customer service.  It's really sad (as well as no one's fault *caveatrollergirlisawesome*) that something as simple as these:

Can keep me away from the awesome.   C'est la vie, or something like it.  Now I just need to get over this cold so I can bout this Saturday in the first Sexpos game of 2010!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Spirit Animals

An email circulated around my team regarding "spirit animals".  Without going into top secret details, I came to the conclusion that my derby spirit animal is the Vulpes vulpes, aka the red fox.  It's not about the colour, I'm not a red head, but there are a few reasons for it.

First of all, they are darn cute:

Also, apparently their eyesight is quite poor and near-sighted, just like mine.  And I like they they are considered "sly" and smart, that suits me just fine, too.  Fast, predatory, opportunistic, hunter- these are all things I want to bring to my derby.  The truth is, I only ever saw a fox once, and it kind of looked like this:


Which is how I feel at the end of a bout or scrimmage.  

But honestly, even though I know I'm getting to be a better player, stronger blocker, and much more experienced on the track, I still mostly feel like this:

Also cute, also blind.  Lacking the fierce.